Welcome to sequence-modelling’s documentation!

Numerically optimized time-series and sequence modelling in Python.

Key features

  • Hidden Markov Models and Quasi-Deterministic Hidden Markov Models

  • Numerically stable: floating point arithmetic performed in log space to avoid underflow

  • Easy to use (based on the scikit-learn API)

  • Pure Python and Numpy based

  • Open source and commercially usable (BSD license)

  • Support for discrete and continuous emissions


The easiest way to install sequence-modelling is using pip:

pip install sequence-modelling

Example usage

import numpy as np
from sequence_modelling.emmissions import Gaussian
from sequence_modelling.hmm import StandardHMM
import sequence_modelling.hmmviz as plt

# define a 2-state HMM estimator with one-dimensional Gaussian emissions

# the transition matrix
A = np.array([[0.6, 0.4],
              [0.3, 0.7],
              [0.5, 0.5]])

# the emission object
O = Gaussian(mu=np.array([[-100.0, 100.0]]),
          covar=np.array([[[10.0]], [[10.0]]]))

# build the HMM model object
hmm = StandardHMM(A, O)

# sample 100 observations from the generative model
obs, path = hmm.sample(dim=1, N=100)

 # fit the model to the data
likelihood, ll, duration, rankn, res = hmm.fit([obs])

# decode (Predict) the most likely state sequence using the Viterbi algorithm
decoded_path = hmm.viterbi(obs)

# visualize the decoded state sequence
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show
fa = figure()
plt.view_viterbi(fa.add_subplot(1, 1, 1), [obs], [decoded_path], hmm.O.mu, seq=0)

Indices and tables